The performance in the Slovenian Podjuna dialect is based on the texts "The diary of Pokržnikov Luka (Iz dnevnika Pokržnikovega Lukana)" by Janko Messner - one of the most famous authors among the indigenous minority of the Slovene ethnicity in Austria, which also the actress is part of. Vouk, who made the dramatic adaptation of the texts and directed the play, in "Pokržnikov Luka" is starring in her first one-woman comedy.
In the stories Luka, the Slovenian Don Quixote, through the naive and ironic way of speaking of a "simple man", is holding up a mirror to us and outlines a satirical portrait of political and cultural fears and problems in Carinthia. The play is enriched with Messner's poems, which Lara Maria Vouk set to music and in which she is accompanying herself on the accordion, while telling stories of Luka's life.
JANKO MESSNER (1921-2011), writer, poet, publicist, and activist for our minority's rights, is considered one of the most important representatives of the literature of Carinthian Slovenes. His work is characterized by the author's masterful expression, sarcasm, critical thinking and rich imagination.
The project is financially supported by Land Kärnten Kultur and by Kulturstadt Bleiburg / Mesto Kulture Pliberk.

Pokržnikov Luka (J. Messner)
directress, actress, musician
production: AVE NIM (A)
premiere: 07. 05. 2023 @A-Rinkole/Rinkolach
in collaboration with KPD Šmihel
current dates:
08.06.2024 / 19:00 / Lebičevo Leto 2024 /
@Družbeni Dom, Prevalje (SI)

all three photographs above: (c) Stefan Reichmann
previous shows:
07.05.2023 / 15:00 / PREMIERE
Pri vaški cerkvi, KPD Šmihel - Rinkole/Rinkolach (A)
20.05.2023 / 20:00 / KSŠŠD - Klub slovenskih študentk in študentov na Dunaju
Wien/Dunaj (A)
10.06.2023 / 19:00 / Božičeva Uta
Rojstni kraj Janka Messnerja - Aich/Dob (A)
22.09.2023 / 20:00 / K&K center
St. Johann i. R. / Šentjanž v Rožu (A)
21.10.2023 / 20:00 / Zveza Slovenskih Žena
Grand Hotel Portorož, Portorož (SI)
24.11.2023 / 19:30 / Slovenski Dnevi 2023
KSŠŠK - Klagenfurt/Celovec (A)
29.11.2023 / 20:00 / BLEIBURGER KULTUR-HERBST
Brauhaus Breznik, kibBleiburg - Pliberk/Bleiburg (A)
30.11.2023 / 20:00 / Slovenski Dnevi 2023
KSŠŠG - Graz/Gradec (A)
12.12.2023 / 14:00 / TAG DER VOLKSGRUPPEN - Österreichisches Parlament
Wien/Dunaj (A)
20.03.2024 / 19:00 / Koroški Kulturni Dnevi 2024 /
Galerija Družina, Krekov Trg, Ljubljana (SI)
03.05.2024 / 19:30 / Pri Cingelcu na Trati
Borovlje/Ferlach (A)